April 2022 Pastor’s Letter

He has risen; he is not here.

See the place where they laid him.

                                                                                   Mark 16:6b (ESV)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ,                                                                             April 2022

Greetings to you in the name of our gracious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Our Lord has Risen!

I am so thankful for this past Holy Week and all the Easter Day services, breakfast, and the Easter Egg hunt for our children. We celebrated Easter considering the Victory we have in Jesus Christ as his disciple. Our attendance for Easter Day was also uplifting and it was good to see many families in the church.

This Easter Season, according to the church lectionary, will last through the end of May. During this time the preaching theme of the church services is called, “Living in the End.” In this preaching theme, we look at the Second Lessons from Revelation. We will consider an applicational approach to living a resurrected life in the eyes of John’s vision of the church, the Christian life in the way God envisions it, and of the World. I hope you will come to join us for worship on either Saturday or Sunday services.

I would like to remind you on how to connect on social media. Through the church website, you will find our Facebook link and our youtube channel. In addition, you can friend me and my wife, Pr. Deuane, on Facebook to keep up on everything going on.

Looking ahead, I am thinking through what bible studies can be offered to the church and community. If you are able please go to the following link to participate in the survey: . A paper one will be available for Saturday and Sunday services for the next couple of weeks. For youth (6-12th grade), I will have something separate for this age group at a later day.

Again, if any pastoral visitations needs, please reach out to me to set up a time or visit.

May God be with you all this Easter Season.

In Christ’s Love,

Pastor Tom